Kieff has always dedicated a large portion of his time to pictorial work. He explored how sculpture channels color, composed on small- and large-scale formats alike and added objects and textures to flat surfaces in order to achieve a more sculptural topography in his graphic endeavours.
Investigating his plastic universe, Kieff passionately clings to any project resulting from his work. The large-scale paintings proportion a sort of mystical meditation where he begins to wonder about his own identity. Always challenged by the unknown, he repeats to himself: who a I? Only time and work would eventually give him an answer.
Treating the medium of painting as if it were sculpture, he is looking for new ways one could perceive the pictorial. Relentlessly searching, he mixes materials and inquires on the application of multiple techniques, a process that birth to new works.
Nowadays, he is still looking for ways to incorporate himself into the realities of his own style through malleability, in an attempt to eliminate speculation and allow imagination to roam free. In his own words: Nor form, material or the idea are of importance; only the passion for work.

Fundación Kieff Antonio Grediaga
Arte y Cultura